Comboni Orphans Association was started in 2001 by a group of 10 concerned people married and unmarried women with the aim of working on children’s issues in relation with different circumstances. When the 10 people identified that they were many children who were abused in different forms, they thought of initiating such as association. Examples of abuse include; defilement cases registered with Uganda police from our district where we operate, child neglect by parents/guardians to the extent of failing to provide them with the basic needs, the poverty levels of some families are extremely high. We also observe the high death rate due to rampant HIV/AIDS which continued to kill our people it has also affected the increase of vulnerable people in most families.
This Association has a bank account in Centenary bank which is 5520013644 Centenary Bank P.O Box 124.
To support the vulnerable children both in schools and out with nutrition components.
Providing psychosocial support as well as guiding and counseling
Providing livelihood support through income generating initiatives.
Provision of education support to ensure retention and competition.
Networking and linking with other partners with similar objectives.
Ensure the protection of our environment and sanitation issues.
Initiate and strengthened communication and collaboration among stakeholders involved in the work of prevention and management of all forms of abuse against children, youth and women.
To promote and conduct research, documentation and dissemination of information in all areas of abuse against children, youth and women.
To provide care and support survivors of all forms of abuse, disabled persons and other vulnerable groups including HIV/AIDS affected and infected.
Develop and influence relevant training programs on issues of promotion and protection of women, youths and children’s rights, HIV/AIDS and gender based violence.
Advice government, universities and other professional bodies about the psychological issues surrounding vulnerable groups.
To eradicate poverty through in various skills i.e. hand crafts, brick molding and other related fields to support vocational Institutions with technical skills with computer skills.
Training of school drop outs in technical skills to attain better conditions of living to sustain themselves.
Train members on environmental protection through tree planting.
Girl child education, reproduction health and rights.
HIV/AIDS counseling, guidance and training
Poverty eradication from orphans and vulnerable children, people living with HIV.
To make OVCs to be job creators rather than being job seekers.
Create employment opportunities.
We are operating a primary school to provide quality education.
Provide knowledge and skills to care givers, parents and teachers in different schools on issues related to child up bringing system and referral of cases.
We train members to ensure the environment and maintaining protection cleanliness in our home steady.
We train families to put up kitchen gardens for nutrition components.
We supported individual OVCs for skill development ie shoe making, hair dressing, tailoring and carpentry.
Through networking, we linked groups for financial support in credit and saving scheme for purpose of saving culture.
This association has registered 500 people as members/beneficiaries.
We received funding for skills development from Rwenzori Luwero development program by the government of Uganda shs. 4,000,000/- (four million). Also we received funds from the national youth council.
We also received financial support from BOVCUSSM for hairdressing and tailoring for 20 adult, youth, girls and boys benefited.
The association is managed by the executive committee of five people from its members, executive director, deputy executive director, chairman board, secretary, treasure and mobilize.
Executive Director Joachim Nganzi
Deputy executive director Charles Bamuturaki
Secretary Augustine Bindeba
Treasurer Sunday George
Moboliser Miss. Eunice Kabahuma
Chairman board Rev. Fr. Dr. Christopher Mukidi
Program manager Beatrice Kasoro
Board Member of Trustees Hon. Michel B. Mugisa Abwooli
Board Member of Trustees Hon. Margret Muhanga Mugisa
We also have procurement committee comprised of seven members who are responsible for the purchase of items and quality assurance.
We also have loan committee responsible for credit and saving component.
We have a general assembly which comprises of group representatives beneficiaries and members of this association which sit once a year of when there is an x-ordinary meetings for emergency issues or concerns. It is also the supreme body which improves the annual budget and work plants.
We have managed to train our people in different aspects which we hope will enable them sustain out initiatives. We also have an extension staff from government/Sub County who always come to give guidance and technical knowledge in our project and members initiatives.
We have made the budget estimates until we get your guidance of what activities and how much we need to apply for. Kindly don’t hesitate to inform us accordingly when you receive this communication.